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School Name

The Rodillian Academy


Al Moon

Senior Leader responsible for SEND

Michelle Ashby/Gemma Wright


Jim Naylor/Rosie McGowan

Assistant SENDCo

Dan Stevens

Trust Board member with responsibility for SEND

Justin Coley

Contact details:

Longthorpe Lane,
West Yorkshire

Email (admin)

[email protected]

Email (SEND Manager)

[email protected]

Telephone (admin)

01924 872252

Age Range



“At the Rodillian MAT, we recognise the need to provide an inclusive, supportive and positive learning environment. The skill, enthusiasm and supportive attitude of the class teacher is the key to effective learning of all students, in particular those with SEND who need additional, targeted teacher input to meet their individual needs; improve their confidence and self-esteem; and enable them to achieve and maximise their full potential. High quality teaching, differentiated for individual pupils is the first step in responding to pupils who have SEND. Additional intervention and support cannot compensate for a lack of inclusive ‘quality first’ teaching. Our Trust emphasises ethical school sustaining a welcoming, effective and inclusive school culture.”    The Rodillian Multi Academy Trust


How do we identify the pupils with additional needs?

Rodillian Academy has a clear approach to identifying and responding to SEND. Our aim is to maintain a structured assessment process throughout Key Stage 3 that ensures early identification and intervention of SEND. Through our assessment programme we are able to identify any additional needs at the earliest possible stage and promptly implement effective provision to improve the long-term outcomes for all our learners. The assessments enable us to build a comprehensive view of our learners covering 3 core elements of them as learners: Attainment, Ability and Attitudes. This provides the tools and insights to enable us to:

  • Know every one of our learners well
  • Tailor teaching and learning approaches accordingly
  • Raise standards and maximise progress
  • Help all our learners realise their full potential


Any learner who is not making adequate progress despite access to high quality teaching targeted at their areas of weakness and intensive Wave 2 support will be referred to SEND department to identify any possible areas of SEND. SEND is assessed through a range of methods including:

  • Information from feeder schools including previous assessment data and reports from external professionals
  • Analysis of academic data and progress to identify learners making less than expected progress given their age and individual circumstances
  • Diagnostic assessments from outside professionals including the Educational Psychologist, Leeds SEN & Inclusion Team (SENIT) and the Speech & Language Therapist.
  • A range of SEND targeted assessments to explore areas including reading accuracy; reading comprehension; reading speed; writing accuracy, legibility and writing speed (wpm); cognitive processing (e.g. phonological, auditory or visual processing, or working memory); emotional literacy & SDQs; visual stress assessment; working memory; and more.


Where the SEND Assessment identifies an area of need, a personalised support programme is put in place to meet this specific need led by the SEND Department.


How do we make sure all children reach their potential?

  • SEND provision is made for students with learning difficulties resulting from a range of needs, including Communication and interaction, Cognition and learning, Social, emotional and mental health difficulties and Sensory and/or physical needs. The use of highly personalised support programmes aims to promote progress across the curriculum as well as within the specific area of need, and will vary according to the severity of need.
  • All students have access Inclusive Quality First Teaching (QFT) that is monitored by highly experienced leaders.
  • Teaching staff have access to detailed individual SEND information to inform their Teaching & Learning. This includes generic information and strategies for a broad range of areas of need; individual Learner Profiles with shared teaching strategies that are effective and person-centred information; and reports from external professionals such as Education Psychologists, feedback from the SENIT etc.
  • Period 7s are used as part of an extended timetable to offer further teaching and support to maximise potential.
  • Where necessary, some learners have access to in-class support from an Inclusion Support Worker (ISW) which is effective in promoting the progress of SEND learners across the Academy in areas they might have difficulties.
  • The progress of all SEND students is tracked by leaders and teaching staff as part of the Academy assessment cycle to ensure early intervention can be put in place.


A clear referral process to SEND Support is in place to support any concerns about teaching and learning and where the data has identified a potential area of need.

  • Identified learners are assessed for Access Arrangements from Year 9 onwards, for additional exam support including extra time, a scribe or further adjustments.
  • A Pastoral structure with clear communication between Pastoral Leads and the SEND manager to ensure the progress, attendance and behaviour of SEND learners is closely monitored and supported.
  • A Positive Discipline system providing a very clear, structured process that includes the use of sanctions and rewards at all levels - in class and around school - which supports the SEND learners as they respond well to a clear, consistent approach.
  • Pupils are in sets for English, Maths and Science. Subject Leaders have their own criteria but initially these are based on KS2 and Base Line Assessments. Sets are also determined by target grades and performance throughout the year. It is rare for a set not to change during a year to maximise individual progress for all. Some non-core subjects are grouped mixed ability or by gender. Subject specific individual targets are set for all students.
  • There is a tiered approach to pastoral support ranging from the Assistant Heads of Year, Heads of Year, and Directors of Key Stage.
  • Annual reviews for those students who have an EHC Plan allow for clear objectives to be established and the need for any areas of targeted SEND support or reasonable adjustments to be made.
  • Students’ views are key to their support. Students are invited to Parents’ Evenings and annual reviews to contribute.
  • Where appropriate, the Academy will engage with external agencies to ensure the delivery of effective special educational needs provision.
  • Where possibly the Academy will aim to encourage independent learners. Alternative provision and additional resources (including staffing) may be put in place if absolutely necessary to ensure students with special educational needs are fully included in all aspects of school life, including the curriculum, extra- curricular programme and school trips.


How are parents/carers involved with Rodillian?

  • When working with parents of students with special educational needs, the Academy will give support, advice and reinforcement as well as share information and agree targets in order to enable progress.
  • The SEND department maintains strong communication between the Academy and parents/carers of SEND learners with regular telephone updates and termly meetings.
  • Parent and Carer Evenings and Reports provide updates on the academic achievement and well-being of their child.  The SEND department is available at these to provide further support for the parents of SEND learners.
  • Parents’ views are important to us. As part of the Parents’ Evening process, parents complete a questionnaire and the Academy has parent/carer and SEND Governors.
  • The Academy will work in partnership with parents to ensure every student with special educational needs and disabilities are well supported. At all stages of the special needs process, the school will keep parents fully informed and involved, and parents are encouraged to make a full and active contribution to their child’s education.
  • Parents are actively included in the annual review process, parents complete a questionnaire and take part in the new person-centred reviews. This information is then used to update the EHC Plans.


How accessible is the school setting?

  • Rodillian Academy is one building with three floors with lifts to each floor.
  • The main doors are electronic.
  • The corridors are wide with disabled toilets on every corridor and evacuation chairs on all stairwells.
  • There is a hearing aid loop.
  • There is a care suite.

To view our accessibility, SEND and managing medicines policies, please see our policies page


How we support children in each area of need

Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD)

  • Active Literacy Kit (ALK) –an assessment and intervention programme originally developed for SpLD/dyslexic learners but can also be used for learners with more general literacy difficulties.
  • Toe by Toe - A highly structured cumulative and multi-sensory literacy programme to develop reading (decoding) and spelling skills.
  • Stride Ahead - A highly structured multi-sensory phonetic approach to literacy in order to accelerate the reading age of an individual.
  • Numicon - A visual and kinaesthetic tool that uses action, imagery and conversation to help learners to structure their experiences of numeracy, which is such a vital skill for both their mathematical and their overall development.
  • Personalised programmes with external professional input for those that need it.
  • Information and support strategies are available on the SEND Register and within individual Learner Profiles for all staff to access and use to inform Wave 1 Inclusive Quality First Teaching.
  • Leeds SEN & Inclusion Team (SENIT) referrals for additional support, observation, and assessment to inform recommendations for internal strategies.

Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD)

  • Quality of teaching and learning is well-monitored by highly experienced leaders and the SEND department to ensure that it actively meets individual needs.
  • Some MLD students are placed on programmes during morning registration and Period 7s including basic comprehension skills, ALK, Toe by Toe, Stride Ahead, Numicon (see above).
  • Referrals to outside professionals for assessment and interventions, including advice on internal support programmes and suitable resources.
  • Information and support strategies are available on the SEND Register and within individual Learner Profiles for all staff to access and use to inform Wave 1 Inclusive Quality First Teaching.
  • Access Arrangements and exam support for those that qualify.
  • Leeds SEN & Inclusion Team (SENIT) referrals for additional support, observation, and assessment to inform recommendations for internal strategies.

Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD)

  • Referrals to outside professionals for assessment and interventions, including advice on internal support programmes and suitable resources.
  • In class support from the ISWs.
  • Specialist 1:1 targeted support programmes with external professional input
  • 1:1 support in and around school where needed, for example break and lunch or school trips.
  • Support programmes to develop fine and gross motor skills for those that need it.
  • Information and support strategies are available on the SEND Register and within individual Learner Profiles for all staff to access and use to inform Wave 1 Inclusive Quality First Teaching.
  • Leeds SEN & Inclusion Team (SENIT) referrals for additional support, observation, and assessment to inform recommendations for internal strategies.

Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (PMLD)

Advice and support are provided by the SEND Manager to the Broomfield SILC partnership based onsite at the Academy for any PMLD learners based in mainstream lessons.

Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH)

The three graduated levels of delivering SEMH interventions are as listed below:


Wave 1

{Green Path- Implemented mainly via Quality First Teaching}

 Most students achieve well through high quality classroom teaching. Quality First Teaching is part of a broad and rich curriculum that engages students in a range of activities and experiences to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding. In practice, regular SEND updates and support for all teachers via SEND Profiles, SEND and SEMH Coaching, display of rewards, sanctions, emotional regulation posters, and provision guides are the main tools to facilitate Wave 1-SEMH Interventions.  Year 7 general curriculum includes timetabled lessons, teaching students about resilience and aspiration which will support general SEMH development.  


Wave 2

A considerable amount of students will occasionally require additional support to achieve well. This can often be provided through short term small group and/ or time limited intervention programmes delivered by a member of the pastoral team that will advance students’ progress and help them achieve in line with their peers. In practice, this may be done through hot-spot lessons support, support in Isolation, PD and attendance clinics, and short 1:1/small group briefings and sessions with Head of Year and Behaviour Support.


Wave 3

For those students who require the personalised approach of a programme that is tailored to their specific, often severe, difficulties. Assessments and evaluations to be implemented regularly to inform the whole team about the progress of students, key action points and next steps. In practice, assessments completing prior to intervention to inform planning and setting of individualised outcomes. A 6-12 week programme is then reviewed with SEND and Pastoral teams every half term alongside parents/ carers. Access to a broad range of external support agencies including counselling/family support.

Rodillian also offers some SEMH support within our Bridge facility. This is a small, quiet setting for students to use should they need an alternative space to regulate.

Educational psychologist referrals for additional support, observation and assessment to inform recommendations for internal strategies which are shared via SEND profile and SEMH Pupil Passports. 

Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)

  • Referrals to outside professionals including specialist Speech & Language Therapists for assessment and interventions, including advice on internal support programmes and suitable resources.
  • Experienced and trained staff provide 1:1 and small group support on specialist programmes including understanding spoken language, expressive language, limited verbal reasoning, pragmatics and social skills etc.
  • Information and support strategies are available on the SEND Register and within individual Learner Profiles for all staff to access and use to inform Wave 1 Inclusive Quality First Teaching.
  • Educational psychologist referrals for additional support, observation and assessment to inform recommendations for internal strategies.

Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC) Disorder (ASD)

  • Referrals to outside professionals, eg STARS for 1:1 learners’ support, parental support, advice on internal support programmes and suitable resources
  • Access to 1:1 and small group work, eg social communication and interaction.
  • Support on understanding of conflict, emotions and social situations using social stories when needed.
  • Information and support strategies are available on the SEND Register and within individual Learner Profiles for all staff to access and use to inform Wave 1 Inclusive Quality First Teaching.
  • Rodillian also offers some SEMH support within our Bridge facility. This is a small, quiet setting for students to use should they need an alternative space to regulate.

Hearing Impairment (HI)

  • Support from the DAHIT team to offer advice on strategies and support.
  • Hearing Aid Loop.
  • Information and support strategies are available on the SEND Register and within individual Learner Profiles for all staff to access and use to inform Wave 1 Inclusive Quality First Teaching.

Visual Impairment (VI)

  • Support from the VI Team to offer advice on strategies and support.
  • Modified papers for lessons and examinations where required such as colour of paper, size of font.
  • Magnifiers for use in lessons for specific students that need this.
  • Coloured overlays for those that need it as identified by specialist ophthalmic optician.
  • Information and support strategies are available on the SEND Register and within individual Learner Profiles for all staff to access and use to inform Wave 1 Inclusive Quality First Teaching.

Physical Disability (PD)

  • Accessibility plans and individual risk assessments to outline details for movement around the building including use of the lifts, leaving lessons early to avoid busy corridors, fire safety expectations etc.
  • Input and advice from Occupational Therapists to inform specific support programmes to develop fine and gross motor skills plus advice on differentiated PE curriculum.
  • Buddy system to support movement around school where needed.
  • Access to a lift key.

Medical Needs (MN)

  • Health & Care Plans and Risk Assessment where applicable.
  • First Aid provision offered for those that needs this and specific First Aid training for staff from NHS professionals.
  • Interventions to support medical needs such as leaving lesson early, toilet passes, support at break and lunch if applicable etc.
  • Access to school nurse and referrals to outside medical professionals for additional support.
  • Alerts for all staff on individual records accessible for all staff.


How does Rodillian Academy support a student's overall wellbeing?

  • Pastoral support in all three Key Stages
  • PD Sessions with Form Tutor
  • Safeguarding training for all staff
  • Trained child protection officers in school
  • Referrals to outside professionals including Educational Psychologist, School Nurse etc.
  • The SEND Department Base and The Bridge are safe, supportive environments
  • Peer and Behaviour Support Worker mentoring for identified pupils
  • Leadership Team presence in and around the Academy at all times
  • Pastoral meetings to monitor and identify any individuals that need additional support


How do we support?



  • Inclusion Support Workers and teachers work with individuals and small groups
  • Rise and Read for Year 7 (Y7) students
  • Accelerated reader for Y7 and Y8 students.
  • ALK - Basic accuracy, fluency and automaticity in reading and spelling
  • Toe by Toe - A highly structured multi-sensory reading manual.
  • Stride Ahead - it is the careful progression through particular skills, together with the timing incentive that makes Stride Ahead so successful.#
  • Specialist English 1:1 Intervention for Y11 pupils
  • Whole school training delivered by the English Department on how to support literacy with in all the curriculum areas.
  • Small literacy nurture groups in KS3
  • Referrals to outside professionals.
  • 1:1 Specialist programmes carried out by Inclusion Support Workers on identified students.
  • An identified member of staff in English has the responsibility for literacy across the curriculum.
  • Inclusion Support Workers work with individuals and small groups who are targeted through close monitoring of assessment data.
  • All assessment data is tracked and gaps in knowledge are the focus of all lessons.
  • Inclusion Support Workers allocated to specific students and groups within the classroom
  • Numicon is used as a visual resource to support students with SEND
  • Referrals to outside professionals
  • 1:1 Specialist programmes carried out by Inclusion Support Workers on identified students.


What Specialist Services and expertise are available or accessed by the school?

Educational Psychologist



School Nurse


Visually Impaired Team


Deaf and Hearing Impaired Team

Social Care

In partnership with Broomfield South SILC

Speech & Language Therapist


Occupational therapist

Southway Alternative Provision


TAHMS - Mindmate

Youth Offending Service

Early Help Hub

Family Interventions Service

In house Family Support Worker

West Yorkshire Police

In house Counsellor


How will we include children in activities outside the classroom including school trips?

  • Extra staff are deployed for trips to meet the stringent requirements of our risk assessments and pupil to adult ratios.
  • 1:1 Small Group ISW support for those that need this.
  • Parents/carers consulted prior to trips for advice and guidance.
  • We provide students with step-by-step learning so that they acquire the relevant skills associated with a safe school visit and are able to participate.
  • Travel Training to include theory such as reading timetables, money, time and practical experience in catching public transport.


How do we support transition from Year 6 into High School?

  • Transition is very important for the Year 6 (Y6) students transferring into High School. There is a highly structured Transition programme with a range of events including transition clubs, a Y6 support event, a Y6 information evening and induction days during which all SEND learners and their parents have an opportunity to meet the SEND Manager and the ISWs.
  • Visits to the feeder schools by Transition Manager and/or SEND Manager including extra 1:1 visits for vulnerable/SEND learners to speak with primary staff and conduct observations
  • Tours and visits to meet the SEND team for Y6 SEND learners.
  • Welcome Breakfast for Year 7 parents/carers and students
  • A Resilience Curriculum is embedded in the timetable for all Y7s and includes a Resilience Camp.
  • Annual activity trip to France for all Y7s
  • Extended two-week transition to Rodillian Academy to close the Summer Term.
  • Additional SEND information evenings
  • Summer Camp
  • Y7 separate lunchtime


What different levels of support are available?

  • Wave One - Inclusive Quality First Teaching for all
  • Wave Two - Additional interventions to enable children to work at age related expectations or above including Period 7s
  • Wave Three - Additional Highly Personalised SEND Support and Interventions


How do we allocate resources?

The SENDCO's and Assistant SENDCO lead the day-to-day management of the SEND department. Within the SEND Department, there are ten Inclusion Support Workers who work within the classroom, run small groups and offer 1:1 intervention. The team are all post graduates The ISWs support students with an academic/medical/physical statement of Special Education needs or EHC Plans. A range of other students benefit from this support due to ability setting within the groups.

Support and resources are allocated proportionate to the four areas of need for those on the SEND Register. Further resources are allocated across the whole school and this is readjusted annually in line with our analysis of the current cohort to ensure the schools’ universal Wave 2 offer is relevant to need. Additional resources are allocated for those with medical needs and to support learners who require access arrangements.


What training have support staff received?



Relevance to needs


Denise Kriens

Safeguarding and good practice.

Exam Invigilation

Jennine Southorn

To support students who are entitled to access arrangements.

Autism Level 1
Teaching staff invited to attend.

STARS Autism outreach service

Making sense of Autism

Speech Language and Communication Needs

Leeds City Council SEND Team

To be able to support pupils with SpLC difficulties and offer teachers advice


Leeds City Council SEND Team

Be able to support dyslexic pupils in class and offer teachers advice

ALK Training

Judy Aveyard

June Kavanagh

To develop awareness of dyslexia and literacy difficulties and how this impacts on learning. To be able to carry out the ALK placement test and plan a programme. To be able to deliver the ALK programme and keep records.

Training on Running Records

Suzy Beck

To observe a running record in action. To help the students who come to Rodillian reading under a national curriculum level 3. Looking at two new reading schemes and working on a running record.

Independent Travel Training

Heather William

A programme to deliver to students to help with independent travel.

ALK Training

Judy Aveyard

June Kavanagh

To develop awareness of dyslexia and literacy difficulties and how this impacts on learning. To be able to carry out the ALK placement test and plan a programme. To be able to deliver the ALK programme and keep records.

Autism Level 2

STARS Autism outreach service (Offsite)

Individual Pupil
Defining autism
Meeting the needs of each pupil


Building Relationships
Teamwork and partnership with pupils
Peer interactions


Enabling Environments
Physical and Sensory Environment
Emotional and communication environment


Curriculum and Learning
Meaningful learning objectives and strategies
Implementing and promoting effective autism practice.

Autism Level 1- Part 1& Part 2
Teaching staff invited to attend.

STARS Autism outreach service- Flora Harvey

Making sense of Autism

Hearing Impairment Team

L Smith

To deliver information for hearing impaired students.

Autism Level 3

STARS Autism outreach service(Offsite)

Individual Pupil
Understanding Autism
Psychological theories
Co-occurring Difficulties


Building Relationships
Engaging pupil in decision making
Systems for effective consultations with parents and staff
Peer inclusion and interaction


Enabling Environments
Physical, sensory, social and emotional environments
Understanding behaviour
Adult Style and the communicative environment


Curriculum and Learning
Making adjustments
General differentiation
Subject specific differentiation

Speech Language and Communication Needs

Leeds City Council SEND Team

To be able to identify pupils with SLCN; provide advice and support to teachers on how to support SLCN in the classroom; and to explore how best to develop 1 to 1 or group SEND support programmes.

Epilepsy Awareness Training

Claire Gatrick

To develop understanding of Epilepsy

Emotional Literacy Assessment and Intervention


To develop understanding of emotional needs; introduction on how to use the GL assessment tool; and develop knowledge needed to develop/deliver targeted 1 to 1 or group SEND support for this area of need.

Extended Non School Attendance (ESNA) Training

Leeds City Council

To develop an understanding and develop strategies to support students who are experiencing difficulties in attending school regularly.